Archives For 1st Amendment

The FOIA: It’s Our Patriotic Duty to Protect It!

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): It’s Our Patriotic Duty to Protect It! . Patriots, are YOU helping with the FOIA/ government transparency petitions? If so, thank you! If not, we desperately need your help to reach our enormous signature goal required by the state, and the petitions must be turned in to the Secretary of […]

Who are the RINO Republicans Opposing our Good FOIA Petitions?

Readers, it’s imperative that we get enough signatures to put the FOIA petitions on the ballot this November 2024. We absolutely NEED your help to protect our Arkansas Freedom of Information Act, immediately! . Here is the wording for the Act: AN INITIATED MEASURE AMENDING THE ARKANSAS CODE TO CREATE THE “ARKANSAS GOVERNMENT DISCLOSURE ACT” and here […]

The Importance of our FOIA Sunshine Law

This recent Order of Dismissal shows us why we need to be able to do a FOIA Request in order to maintain transparency in government. Click the link below to read about John Turner vs the City of Branch. Signed Agreed Order of Dismissal – John Turner v City of Branch We congratulate attorney Joey […]