Most Americans are in distress, financial shock, and losing jobs.
The middle class is under attack by the government and corporations/ the global elite.
Is America headed for an economic crash that could be worse than the Great Depression?
Criminals are roaming free all across America, especially in our own government.
Our human rights to life, liberty, and property must be put first.
To begin, some quick history.
Some of us were born American sovereigns, and our duty is to stand up and right the wrongs for the original Constitution called “The Constitution for the united States of America”! No typos in this paragraph…
Just so you know, the power under the Constitution will always be in the People. Yes, We The People!
But right now, in today‘s world, the greedy global elite and Rothschild banking cartels are preparing to bankrupt the IMF subsidiary doing business as the UNITED STATES:
the UNITED NATIONS CORPORATION doing business as
Did you know that both the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) and its UNITED STATES (US) subsidiary are chartered in France?
There has also been a lot of international corporate fraud, and we, the American people, have been victims! We must stand in defense of our country. We are supposed to be people served by government, but if the federal government gets involved, we are citizens that end up serving the government.
Prior to the modern-day United Nations, there was a failed League of Nations.
And, if you recall, the League of Nations was wisely rejected by the Senate in 1919-1920. Why did they oppose it and vote it down? Striking a blow and acting like guardians, the knowledgeable Senators that opposed the Treaty of Versailles (Peace Treaty with Germany) believed the proposed League of Nations which President Woodrow Wilson wanted to create would infringe upon our national sovereignty and Congress’ power to declare war. The discerning Senators did NOT want a new international order! Again, the astute Senators strongly argued that the League of Nations violated the advice given by former president George Washington in his 1796 Farewell Address to avoid “foreign political entanglements.” So, following the Senate’s defeat of the treaty, Congress formally declared the end of World War I by joint resolution in 1921.
The United Nations (UN) has the world’s population and America going down a dark, destructive path from which it will be hard to return… and what’s happening is shocking. Stay with us… this is part 1, an introduction.
Let’s look at the problems we are facing today because we must identify and break apart the communist- type strategies that are tearing this country apart.
The planned unlawful invasion of millions and millions of illegal aliens pouring into this country has overwhelmed us and is bleeding us dry of our resources. The illegal aliens, many of whom are militant, brought magnitudes of crime, and it’s happening right at the same time when Americans are starting to lose everything.
The 2020 economic shutdown that forced stores to close their doors is still causing ripples across the American landscape. The falsified “pandemic” and con game that came from the UN’s criminal World Health Organization (WHO) sent many stores into a retail apocalypse. This unnecessary economic death blow policy announcement caused many stores to close forever.
Now, with inflation rising, the middle class is drastically shrinking, and people are running out of money. A consumer slowdown is putting it mildly:
27% of Americans Are Skipping #Meals Because of Skyrocketing #Food #Costs, Survey Shows
Cites, towns, and states are running out of money. The taxpayer base is drying up, too, in some states. Many businesses across the country are shutting their doors and giving up! Malls and restaurants are closing now at an alarming pace. Even the retail chain Family Dollar has succumbed to this failing economy and announced that it planned to close approximately 600 stores this year and another 370 in 2025.
Store closures are rocking the US market:
Inflation has beaten down consumers, forcing Americans — whose salaries have largely not kept pace — to rethink how and when they shop. This has pushed some already-struggling retailers and restaurants to the brink, sparking a rash of bankruptcies and the closures of nearly 3,200 store locations in 2024.
Another factor to American problems is that in 2023, US foreign-owned debt to Japan ($1.1 trillion) and to China ($859 billion) is outrageous. This foreign debt with Communist China has been a continuous problem for decades now and needs to stop.
And here, in our own state of Arkansas, once known as “The Natural State” for its scenic breathtaking beauty and our productive agricultural crops, things are now sadly changing for the worse. Today, whenever you go into some of our rural areas, small towns, or cities, you can easily spot poverty: there are many rundown, abandoned, or decaying buildings, and this state is falling apart right before our eyes. Our infrastructures are not properly maintained, and the Mom-&-Pop retail stores that once was considered the bread & butter stores in America and other smaller businesses are evaporating off the map quickly. Arkansas is not the only state affected.
And bearing down upon the World population is the deceptive Climate Change and Social Justice convincing people of untrue information. This is weaponized and being used as absolute control mechanisms. The federal government ALWAYS wants more power, but more alarmingly, so does the One World Government/ global government!
So, it’s detrimental that we, the people, and our elected officials turn this totalitarian agenda around constitutionally if we plan to hold this country. And we MUST do it quickly! Naivete plagues this modern world! We should NOT accept or promote this deadly failing UN Agenda.
Note: County officials beware; do the best you can to hold the line locally!
There’s a Green Climate Fund (GCF) that was established under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change that was set up to be the world’s leading international channel of public climate finance. This climate financing will bend the trajectory of every country involved and send us into a chaotic tailspin. Oh yes, a lot of government funding is available for the taking!
Moreover, if you think taxes and regulations are bad, wait until you see the heavy-handed fines kick in with this unconstitutional malevolent agenda! Your so-called social credit score will be burdensome because of the fines they have in store for you. An example could be microchipping your pets. England now has a $500.00 fine if you don’t have your cat microchipped. Do you realize they are coming to try to microchip all of humanity?
Over-regulation will force many businesses out of the market.
The way things are set up now, our tax dollars are appropriated by Congress, but money/revenue collected from fines is not!
And regrettably, states are selling out to wokeism’s extreme left-wing practices, so the deep state is having a heyday! The pristine and fertile land all across our country is being turned into inadequately built solar and wind farm sites, and now it’s happening here in Arkansas. Why? Because it’s Big Business.
This extreme left agenda wants to shut down half of our agriculture (food) and forest products.
This shouldn’t set well with our readers considering our number one industry here in Arkansas and the Midwest is agriculture. Millions of people are fed from these acres. Let’s think: do we need more crops… or more poor-quality solar panels?
Things are getting so bad, it’s time to expose this oppressive agenda and the Marxist players.
Right now, in this tenure of the corrupt and lawless Biden/ Obama era, it’s Climate Change or bust! And there’s a huge amount of money involved with Biden running into trouble with some major electric vehicle, battery, solar, and wind projects being delayed or cancelled because of changing or uncertain markets.
July 2, 2024, Biden was on reading from his Teleprompter about extreme heat and hatefully calling people dumb and stupid if they deny this evil political climate change agenda and that there’s a need to bring in FEMA, which involves the Justice40 Initiative.
This Administration wants to transform the federal government into a green government and break the backs of Americans, according to United Nations (UN) policies.
Therefore, he’s investing $1 billion of taxpayer money!
Here’s a snippet from the Justice40 Initiative:
What kinds of investments fall within the Justice40 Initiative? The categories of investment are: climate change, clean energy and energy efficiency, clean transit, affordable and sustainable housing, training and workforce development, remediation and reduction of legacy pollution, and the development of critical clean water and wastewater infrastructure.
This is all about relocating you and your family to a zoned area for humans that will supposedly be more affordable for you, thus Smart Cities, especially if you live in a rural area. In a future article, we will try to explain how this is done incrementally, right under our noses.
And let’s keep a lookout for their positive-sounding but deceptive buzz-words like “smart,” “sustainable,” and “clean”. More often than not, their practices are none of those things.
The United Nations (UN) has 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are at the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Sustainable practices such as green infrastructure and renewable energy are outrageously expensive, and of course, the UN wants the nations to finance all their agendas.
The scam is fraudulent and lowers our standard of living, as they abuse their authority to go along with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals. What do the barbaric Sustainable Development Goals mean? Simply this, it means NO development is allowed. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are still being implemented by all federal agencies and have been for decades, regardless of the two-party system here in the United States.
This absurd 65 page report from 2021 should help provide you with an up-to-date benchmarking of the so-called progress in all 50 states towards those vile United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) radical mandates that were adopted in 2015. The cabal from the UN are demanding that member states achieve ALL the ridiculous SDGs by 2030! This coincides with the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Note: In this report, they even have the audacity to bring up the vaccination rate in each state. Yes, on page 31, they even had the brazenness to track states on the facemask mandates, too! See how we are being watched, tracked, and analyzed?
So, we are carefully watching Biden and his handlers to see if they deal Americans a death blow before he leaves office. IF the corrupt Biden Administration were to declare a fake national climate emergency like he was talking about July 2nd, it would give them broad sweeping powers to dictate what happens with fossil fuels, so this agenda will promote more of this devastating green agenda that’s harming Americans economically.
Biden’s Administration has tried to bankrupt fossil fuel energy companies and has directed capital toward green energy projects. We will see a complete halt to new fossil fuel production in the near future IF this extreme policy isn’t stopped. BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, and other malicious asset managers are aggressively pushing those nasty progressive “green” agendas known as Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance (ESG) into corporate boardrooms.
In our opinion, the SDGs don’t create value for companies or for their stakeholders and should be done away with. These big companies pretending to be going along with these bastardized goals are, for the most part, going about their business as usual and basically ignoring them. Yet, on their website, they will brag about how “sustainable” they are in their practices.
Let’s look at meeting the United Nations deceptive goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and the consequences that will be incurred in every country that kowtows to them.
The history here in the United States is that Obama signed the Paris Agreement in 2016 and pledged billions of taxpayer dollars to financially support developing countries in their energy transition; and thank goodness, the United States officially left the Paris Agreement on November 4, 2020 under President Trump because he said it would greatly hurt the U.S. economy. BUT regrettably, Joe Biden, just shortly after his inauguration on January 20, 2021, signed an executive order for the United States to formally rejoin this scary Paris Climate Agreement on February 19, 2021, only 107 days after the needed withdrawal took effect.
This controlling international agreement that tries to usurp our U.S. Constitution supposedly means that the U.S. officially agrees to hold itself responsible to meet the agreement targets and incorporate it into our national laws. Moreover, under this dangerous New World Order dictate, it’s calling for international procedures for the review of the submitted reports; so, countries will be required to report on actions taken and progress regarding climate change mitigation, adaptation measures, and support provided or received.
Is there an existential threat to humanity with Climate Change or COVID?
Start here, dear readers, and get prepared for this illuminating trip.
Must watch – Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)
This film exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any basis in science. It shows that mainstream studies and official data do not support the claim that we are witnessing an increase in extreme weather events – hurricanes, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires and all the rest. It emphatically counters the claim that current temperatures and levels of atmospheric CO2 are unusually and worryingly high. On the contrary, it is very clearly the case, as can be seen in all mainstream studies, that, compared to the last half billion years of earth’s history, both current temperatures and CO2 levels are extremely and unusually low. We are currently in an ice age. It also shows that there is no evidence that changing levels of CO2 (it has changed many times) has ever ‘driven’ climate change in the past.
We are looking at a trillion dollar global industry scam being perpetrated upon the public!
Our children and grandchildren have been thoroughly indoctrinated, and this falsified green agenda has currently crested at its peak of popularity… right before it wipes us out. So, confront it now!
Here’s a fact — it’s Climate versus Freedom, dear readers and legislators!
Is it the Free Markets destroying the planet?
See this informative video recorded at Corpus Christi College, Oxford on 12th October 2022: Lord Monckton: Net Zero Emissions — The Costliest Error of Physics and of Economics in History
The United Nations Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development has a manual on “The Forced Relocation of Rural Populations”. The Biden Administration is committed to implementing this deadly agenda of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). This is so deceptive because there is a statement in the manual that says, “When rural resident inhabitants are denied access to the natural resources essential to their livelihoods, they will be forced by economics to relocate”. Industries that happen to produce from natural resources will be forced out.
Did you know?… The Fish and Wildlife Service was created in 1940 through the combination of two previous bureaus within the Department of the Interior. Its current director is Martha Williams, who was appointed by U.S. President Joe Biden on March 8, 2022. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has a publication entitled “Relocation Assistance” for Owners, Tenants, and Businesses that basically says, “covering persons that must move from property as a result of acquisition”. In a Wall Street Journal article, this “relocation” of the population was termed “Rural Cleansing”.
Using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, they want to micromanage and control every aspect of our lives, including what cars to buy, if we are allowed to own a car, and if so, at what expensive price? Inflation has caused car payments to soar, making it unaffordable to purchase.
Remember, this green agenda wants walkable communities. In other words, you reside close to where you work and live in a walkable community. There may be public transportation available, but bicycles are mostly used. Living spaces will be limited, and appliances, food, and especially meat will be rationed. And we mean limited! Even certain areas in our country will be considered off-limits to the public, and we are not just talking about Area 51 either. The UN slogan is “No human footprint”. This means a protected area where no humans are allowed! So, no sharing space with plants and animals in those areas. This veiled agenda wants to force us to move to permitted human occupation zones.
Did you know that the Federal Government holds in trust about 640 million acres of land (30 percent of the country’s total land area)? This is said to include national parks, national forests, national wildlife refuges, and other Federal Agency ownerships. We have also included this map for the USA Protected Areas… but they are going after more!
Note: The largest landowner in Arkansas is a Fortune 500 company, the Weyerhaeuser Company which holds 711,000 acres. See WEYERHAEUSER POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (WPAC) 2023 POLITICAL DONATIONS. The largest shareholders include Vanguard Group Inc, BlackRock Inc., Price T Rowe Associates Inc /md/, State Street Corp, Wellington Management Group Llp, VGSIX – Vanguard Real Estate Index Fund Investor Shares, Jpmorgan Chase & Co, VTSMX – Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares, Geode Capital Management…
They are in 27 counties and 4 communities. From their own website, this is where they own land in Arkansas:
Hot Spring
Little River
Hot Springs
We can’t help being concerned about Arkansas and the bullish lobbyists and influence coming from these dangerous ESG companies like, Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street, regarding our land. They seem to be the Shadow Government behind the scenes. The companies hire former government officials and usually pay them a huge salary.
Walton’s real-estate business, Blue Crane, bought 2,700 acres in Bella Vista, Arkansas. They are the development arm of Runway Group. Could this be a site for Arkansas’ first future 15-minute Smart City?
Oh, Smart Cities will have the best restaurants, shops, and other businesses located there and should have great outdoor aesthetics. The appeal will be enticing… but large amounts of people located in one condensed area are easier to control! Globalists like to say that Smart Cities are just a place where everyday needs are within walking distance, that’s all… Sure! But that’s NOT all they have planned for us…
Here are snippets from the article above:
Walton said, “I would like to shine a light on Bella Vista and Bentonville [together] as the mountain bike capital of the world.”
Last year, Gov. Sarah Sanders appointed Walton to the Natural State Advisory Council to establish Arkansas as an outdoor recreation destination and grow the outdoor economy. Arkansas First Gentleman Bryan Sanders, the group’s chairman, hopes their work will double the state’s outdoor recreation economy from $3.5 billion to $7 billion in the next 10 years.
Together, the two deals likely signal a new chapter of Bella Vista’s evolution — no longer just a retirement haven but a full-fledged outdoor recreation destination with a younger demographic and a diverse mix of ages.
So, our Governor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, has given Tom Walton carte blanche to fill in the blanks. He should have the freedom to operate anyway he wants. Tom and Bryan will make a heck of a combo. Yes, Bella Vista will evolve alright; just wait and see what it develops into, dear readers.
We will be watching because they operate like globalists and seem to want a One World Government. Globalists have always planned our economy and foreign policies in an international way, rather than according to what is best for our country.
We see that the state with the highest percentage of land held by the federal government is Nevada (80.1%), compared to the lowest, Connecticut and Iowa (0.3%)!
Let’s see what the New World Order/UN is doing to wreck our housing market:
The United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) claim that single dwelling homes are NOT sustainable. So, single dwelling homes ARE in great jeopardy, and they want to force us out! The housing market is fragile, and our largest asset is our home, but the global elite want it to become a future liability, so we could lose our home and our ability to maintain one.
The real estate price bubble is expected to pop!
Home prices are projected to fall 50% in the very near future! Buyers are not taking the plunge yet due to inflation; therefore, there is a high inventory of properties. Even institutional buying is slowing down. Some Wall Street landlords are being forced to sell right now, but investors can wait, as they are predatory and will buy whenever prices plummet. There are 27,000,000 investment properties in America. So, one quarter of all properties are investment properties, so inventory can easily spike if there is a problem.
It’s important to understand the inventory in our state, city, and zip code. We like Reventure Consulting.
Also, Americans are sitting on massive amounts of home equity, and the global elite want that equity eradicated.
How does this new scheme work? The global elite has set up plans for homeowners to get a secondary mortgage for a line of credit in this overwhelming high-inflation economy; and given that the job market has become such a challenge, people are desperately searching for cash just to pay for our basic needs like housing, insurance, transportation, and food. There are fewer jobs to be found out there, and the propped-up numbers have been manipulated which includes white collar jobs. Wages are stagnant, too.
So, watch what Freddie Mac touts to “stimulate” the economy. This housing proposal could unlock nearly $1 trillion for homeowners, so THINK carefully and act responsibly before you gamble with your greatest asset, which could drain your precious equity you have spent a lifetime building up! Saying again, don’t borrow money against your equity. Hold on the best you can.
The government is lying whenever they say we have a good economy. They are just propping up the economy right now and will do so until it finally falls apart.
Remember the evil slogan, “you will own nothing and be happy.” Many Americans will be forced to relocate and rent their modest dwelling in cities or human settlements under Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals. As we are being robbed of our wealth and health, we are being herded into specific cities and areas, dear readers. Snared by cities because they are an easier place to control the population, and city planners will see to it that most good jobs can only be found there. So, we will be trapped!
This brutal agenda calls for homes everywhere to dwindle, but homes, especially the homes located along the coast, are vulnerable to higher taxes and insurance that are being made too expensive to maintain, IF you are ever able to get into one, given that the interest rates are too high!
Some insurance companies are using aerial imagery to cancel homeowner coverage, too. Insurance prices alone can eat a big hole right through your budget! Property taxes are going through the roof as well.
In closing, in this crashing economy, people are being forced to sell their homes, condos, and properties… but let’s hold on the best we can! Think about moving out of risky assets at this time.
Side note: We believe that Bitcoin will NOT retain or increase in value during times of market turbulence. Keep some cash on hand!
President George Washington said,
“Though, when a People shall have become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master, it is of little consequence from what quarter he comes.”
Watch for Part 2 of this article coming soon…
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Secure Arkansas
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