Archives For 1st Amendment

Legislators, Make a Dedicated Commitment to Stand Fast!

Legislators, One Last Plea Before the Arkansas Special Session Begins! Legislators, vote “NO” on the newly proposed FOIA bills HB1003 & SB7 that were especially prepared for this special session Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has called to begin on Monday, September 11, 2023! We, the people, will NOT forget how you vote regarding our highly esteemed FOIA. 58 lawmakers (and […]

URGENT ACTION ALERT: Another Anti-FOIA Bill from ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council)

RINO Republicans (known as American Legislative Exchange Council/ ALEC players) are taking aim at FOIAs… again! BAM BAM and our 1967 Sunshine Law is devastated! Please take action tonight because tomorrow (Weds, March 29, 2023) is the last day of Arkansas’ legislative session! This time, it’s HB1726. It means casting a dark veil over our transparency law so government meetings can be […]