Archives For 1st Amendment

Legislators, Pull Your Sponsorship and ‘Vote No’ on SB250 Regarding Paper Ballots

Why are the Republican Legislators sabotaging paper ballot access? Could it be that the sponsors and co-sponsors of SB250 did not read the bill in its entirety? The title of any legislation is meant to deceive the reader. One must read the bill to know what the bill is implementing. Legislators, do not double-cross your constituents.  SB250 […]

ACTION ALERT: Republican Legislators are Sabotaging Paper Ballot Access

Republican Legislators are Sabotaging Paper Ballot Access Voting Machines are NOT Secure Solution: Go back to Paper Ballots Election fraud is a big issue in American politics! Presently, the quorum court of each county shall choose by resolution a voting system containing voting machines or computerized vote tabulating devices, or both, or voting machines in […]

Save Your County From Election Fraud!

Voters, it is imperative that you read this article! Election fraud has been an issue in American politics for quite some time, and we have the ability and an opportunity to do something about that here in Arkansas and in other states. (In case you haven’t yet read our previous email on voter fraud from […]

Voter Fraud & Stolen Elections – Part 1

Voter Fraud & Stolen Elections – Part 1 Since the 2016 presidential election, voters have heatedly debated election and voter fraud.  As you are likely aware, the election of 2020 was no different and caused substantial disturbance in our country, as many people considered it a “stolen election,” when Joe Biden was declared the winner of […]

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