Archives For 1st Amendment

Kill the UN Communist WHO Treaty

Heads up! . An Immediate Call to Action! . Kill the UN Communist WHO Treaty . . . Click here to watch the WHO Roundtable video: Exposing ‘Mission Critical For Humanity’ | May 16th. This ill-fated UN WHO Treaty and the foul amendments to the rules (adopted in 2005) that govern the WHO — called the International […]

The COVID-19 Injection — A Trojan Horse

The COVID-19 Injection is A Clear and Present DangerA Trojan Horse We understand that many people are looking into the COVID-19 injections and are still seeking answers. Please know that we understand your concern for yourselves and your families and friends, and at the same time, we feel led to share this truth with you, […]

COVID-19 Vaccine = GMO Human?

HIGH ALERT! What will be unveiled in this next Covid-19 vaccine? Can it genetically change your DNA? National Institutes Of Health (NIH) Claims Joint Ownership of Moderna Coronavirus Vaccine We’ve been hearing about the development of Covid-19 vaccines for several months, and companies are fast-tracking vaccine trials at a rate never seen before.  An enlightening video has […]