Archives For Wireless Radiation

UPDATE: New Madrid Fault & Earthquakes –CERN, Preparedness, & the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse

IMPORTANT UPDATES: Secure Arkansas thought we needed to update our article as of April 7 and mention earthquakes, since the eclipse’s Path of Totality goes over the New Madrid fault line. On April 5, 2024, New York and New Jersey had a 4.8 earthquake, and even on April 6th, there were after-shocks. Also, on April 5th, there […]

FEMA’s Emergency Alert 10/4/23 & China’s Plans for World Domination!

Things are heating up, and our elected officials, including RINO Republicans, are leading America straight to the breaking point. Many traitorous politicians are working to see our standard of living significantly lowered here in the United States. Within the deep state, you can find the communists and the global elites lurking around to bring about […]