Archives For 1st Amendment

URGENT ACTION ALERT: NEWLY UPDATED 1/23/2024!! — Amicus Brief to be Submitted to Ark. Supreme Court

Action Alert! Your response is needed quickly. It’s crunch time, dear readers! (Please note the corrected email address at the end of this article.) . Our freedom is at stake once again. This week, we need names from ALL 75 counties in Arkansas submitted to the court in support of this case that deals with paper […]

Fraud at the Arkansas Capitol Surrounding HB1654 and Crypto-Mining?

In case you missed our previous article, you can read here about how digital crypto mining centers are wreaking havoc around our beautiful country. Terrible noise pollution 24/7. Energy drains. Brown outs and black outs. Higher energy rates. We believe it is our godly duty to stand up and NOT let them get their evil claws into […]

Save Your County From Election Fraud!

Voters, it is imperative that you read this article! Election fraud has been an issue in American politics for quite some time, and we have the ability and an opportunity to do something about that here in Arkansas and in other states. (In case you haven’t yet read our previous email on voter fraud from […]

The Election Fraud of 2020

Have you been keeping up with what’s happening? *IMPORTANT NOTE*: As you know, the global elite and Big Tech are blocking many online posts and links to information, so it’s important that you are on our Secure Arkansas email list AND forwarding our articles to your lists (friends, family, etc). Also, be sure to check our […]