Archives For 1st Amendment

FEMA’s Emergency Alert 10/4/23 & China’s Plans for World Domination!

Things are heating up, and our elected officials, including RINO Republicans, are leading America straight to the breaking point. Many traitorous politicians are working to see our standard of living significantly lowered here in the United States. Within the deep state, you can find the communists and the global elites lurking around to bring about […]

Treaties of the U.N. are International Law, Including The Disabilities Treaty

Do you believe that unelected, unaccountable UNITED NATIONS bureaucrats should make decisions for U.S. children with disabilities? Secure Arkansas doesn’t! The United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) is an “international human rights treaty of the United Nations intended to protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities.” [1]  While UNCRPD may appearto protect individuals with disabilities, it […]

We Oppose Sustainable Communities

A Department of Transportation Bill is helping to defund Sustainable Development by eliminating funding for what are called TIGER grants , which provide funding for the largest grants through the Partnership for Sustainable Communities program.

New EPA Regulations Cost Home Owners More

New regulations designed more for control than for safety are laying the groundwork for future controls in our own homes, according to a press release dated April 23, 2010, by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.