Archives For 1st Amendment

How the Communist Chinese are Hijacking America, Locally

Arkansas’ worried, deceived, and desperate residents are demanding a Special Session to be called immediately regarding:  Act 851 (HB1799) To create the Arkansas Data Centers Act of 2023; and to clarify the regulation of the Digital Asset Mining Business. Sponsors: Senator Joshua Bryant of Rogers and Representative Rick McClure of Malvern. This traitorous Act deals with the […]

America is being Destroyed by the Illegals, Cartels, & the CCP

America is being Destroyed by the Illegals, Cartels, and the CCP While our Tyrannical Government (Both Republican & Democrat) Stands By! . America is in a great state of emergency. The crisis at the border is war-like. It’s chaotic and highly volitional because we ARE being invaded by an unprecedented number of illegal aliens, jihadists, […]

Cryptocurrency Players in America That Could Be Tied to the Chinese Communist Party…

Facing a Frightening Future with Taxpayers Forsaken on All Fronts Looking at the Communist China Threat at Home As Marxist Red China — a permanent United Nations Security member —  is pushing for global dominance, here’s what’s happening locally. They are buying our U.S. farmland, and we are witnessing a tremendous amount of environmentally unfriendly digital […]

Fraud at the Arkansas Capitol Surrounding HB1654 and Crypto-Mining?

In case you missed our previous article, you can read here about how digital crypto mining centers are wreaking havoc around our beautiful country. Terrible noise pollution 24/7. Energy drains. Brown outs and black outs. Higher energy rates. We believe it is our godly duty to stand up and NOT let them get their evil claws into […]

ACTION ALERT: States Setting the Stage for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

Follow the Apocalyptic Monetary Policies in the States Republican Legislators, we ask you to consider this: Why would any state pass legislation pushing central bank digital currencies (CBDC)? Please read the entire Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) banking legislation thoroughly before you vote on or sponsor these bad bills. (Most of this legislation has just recently been filed […]

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