Archives For 1st Amendment

Americans Overwhelmed by Inflation…The Perfect Storm: Introduction to the Crisis

Most Americans are in distress, financial shock, and losing jobs. The middle class is under attack by the government and corporations/ the global elite. Is America headed for an economic crash that could be worse than the Great Depression? Criminals are roaming free all across America, especially in our own government. Our human rights to […]

Who is Digging into Our Phone & Bank Records; Censoring, Collecting Data & Conducting Surveillance??

The Weaponizing of Our Federal Government! Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, and/or other vital information. Our founding fathers realized the importance of freedom of speech, so they gave it a dignified place in the First Amendment of our U.S. Constitution. Censorship is bad enough, but let’s not forget the government’s obsession with […]